
Welcome to My Chinese Readers

  亲爱的中文读者和家长朋友,欢迎您 阅读我的儿童书籍!希望我的故事书对您和您的孩子都有帮助,并衷心祝愿您和您的家人身体健康,万事如意,阖家幸福! 親愛的中文讀者和家長朋友,歡迎您 閱讀我的兒童書籍!希望我的故事書對您和您的孩子都有幫助,並衷心祝願您和您的家人身體健康,萬事如意,闔家幸福! Hello and welcome to my Chinese readers!  I hope that my books are helpful to you and your children.  I cannot speak or...

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A Song of Peace for Their Land and For Mine

At an interfaith service for peace at a time of war, I heard this beautiful song, which I wanted to share with those of you who visit this website.  The song was written by Lloyd Stone in 1934, and is sung to the tune of “Finlandia.”  It is from the New Century...

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